hello I miss you      (quite terribly)
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I love you.
It's as simple and as complicated as that.

You're so, so happy now. I still want to be by your side. Just as friends will do. I just want to see you smile and laugh. Maybe that'll ease the pain of the past long months.

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I can't bear to change this blog's head title.
It's a line that's unchanged, despite it all.

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I promise myself that I'll never complain about homework/tests/anything academic-related ever again.

I refuse to repress my life into such a narrow perspective anymore.

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I haven't been blogging for a long time. eh?

Today is 16 May.

Sorry to the taggers. I shall acknowledge your existance by replying your tags here.

@ Aaron:
Aaron Sin?? hahah, anyway, HELLO(:
Ah yeah, the stuff I blog about is pretty random :D

@ Rachel:
I find both their posts super funnehhhh :D hahahha I miss their randomness :c

I can't remember which day is it, but still, (Y)!! :D
Nice hairdo btw. haha :D

Update on my life.
So much for celebrating the end of PIs. :l

Ah well, one step at a time. (:

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Considering that I woke up 3 hours later than I had wanted and that I didn't study for FA later or do any tutorial or any long-due-for-weeks homework,

I shouldn't be here.

But I'm tired of doing what I'm supposed to do (or at least, trying to complete my to-do list) and feel a sudden urge to move my fingers. I can't play the guitar now for the ungodly A.M. time and for the fear of the guitar being flung down at a tremendous strength upon my head. So here I am typing.

I feel like shopping though I just spent more than half my weekly allowance already. Today is only Tuesday. Hoho, the shittiness of it.

Blogging seems like a chore now, rather than something I want to do. My already minimal creative juice level has been shrinking astonishingly. Astonishing because it's true. And because I myself didn't even realise it. Hmm.

Today is 27 April. Today is Tuesday. Today is a long Tuesday. Ahhhhhhhhh. ):

Oh wait. Now I remember why I'm here. (I need like 38 cups of coffee today)

This post is to declare that...


Cookie is having a nightmare now. o_________o"
It's funny yet scary at the same time. She's half-whining, half-howling and kicking her legs in the air (she's lying on the floor, belly facing up). Uh, should I wake her up? ._.

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I made this printscreen ages ago but never got round to uploading it.

Life these days is.......sleepy.

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Hiro says:
alright, I think I go eat my branch now
Crappy food awaits me
feesh says:
What time is it at your side of the world? haha xD
Hiro says:
12.03 p.m.
So yeah its time to eat my branch
My dorm got no breakfast on weedends...
feesh says:
ohhh i see i see
and it's brunch by the way
haha xD
Hiro says:
Yep, I am eating a tree branch
feesh says:
ahhhh i see... you poor kid. I do sympathise with you. Pick out all the insects on the branch before eating it. I think it'll taste better. yup.
Hiro says:
nah, the insects have proteins
They are extremely beneficial

The previous blog post is a perfect example of procrastination.
Which is why I've learned from my lesson and started the Econs project 3 days before it is due. (:


I feel cheated to drink just now. How the hell am I supposed to know it's loaded with calories. ARGH. D:

The adreanaline rush is helpful though. Heh.

I insist on night cycling/ inline skating some time next week. Yes, random much.

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Dear bloody Math,

I didn't mean to avoid you for the whole week of March Hols.
You see, Stigma Notation and I got off on a wrong start and it's so difficult trying to come to terms with unreasonable Geometric Progression. I barely got to know Arithmetric Progression. I need more time. And a patient tutor who speaks English and not in endless streams of numbers that are supposed to make sense when put together.
In nine days, I've spent 4 watching movies (cca outing, one with K, one with family and earlier today which nearly sucked dry my allowance for this week) and another 2.5 days watching You're Beautiful. A day for CCA and a day for SHINee. After that, I just had to rest my eyes with sleep. You do understand, don't you? If I had taken time to stare at the tiny buttons on my GC, not only will my eyes hurt but my fingers will get twisted and the calculations will have come out wrongly anyway. Exactly.
At least I didn't declare that you (or Econs) should "go and die" like L.
Anyway, your due date is on Tuesday. I'll make time within the next 24 hours to talk business with you.
Here's to a future cooperative, understanding relationship.


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I. (almost) Lost. Cookie. Today.

She got so damn freaked by this Chinese cleaner in my neighbourhood that she backed away frantically the second she saw him. Whattheshit. Weird.
In her frenzy to escape, her harness thing (which her leash is attached to) slipped off her body.
Sudden pang of fright stunned my heart. Really. O_O

Did I mention that she can run bloody fast?!
Once, when my brothers and I took her out for a walk (at bloody 5am), we had to take turns holding the leash and sprinting to keep up with her.

Which explains my mortal fear that she'll escape.

Anyway, she's pawing at my leg now and frisking away before coming back to paw at me again. She's trying to annoy me after the near-heart-attack she gave me today.

D:< !! A possible reason why she was so freaked out by that cleaner guy was because he ate dog meat before. Apparently the smell of dog meat will never leave your body if you've eaten it. Ew. I finished watching the entire You're Beautiful/You're Handsome series today! :3
I'm really late, I know. But I finally did and I don't regret it.
I was too tired/busy to watch it before. Thanks ST for the recommendation. :D
Leona told me that Jang Geun Suk is coming to Singapore ^-^
I'm still so smitten by the show that I feel like meeting him. XD hahahhah -slaps face- :x

I started watching from 10am till 11pm. o_o
Then I went to watch all the little extra videos. Behind-the-scenes, interviews etc.

I. Really. Need. Sleep. Now.

Goodnight(: / Good Morning

18/19 March 2010

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11 March 2010

I was quite pleased with Cookie when I let her out of her cage. There was no noise (ie, glass smashing) and the last time I checked, she was entertaining herself with hey toys.

Half hour later, "JIE!!!" was yelled in my delicate ear drums.

Cookie had somehow managed to find tissue paper to rip to shreds and scatter all over the floor. Like how a kindgergarden kid would play pretend, attempting to substitue snow with tissue paper. She threw in some dried potpurri flowers too. Torn to bits, of course. Satisfied with her masterpiece, she lied down and was chewing on a sock while looking at me innocently as if this were normal.

The moment I called her name sternly, she ran back to her cage obediently.

Smart for all the wrong reasons. o_o

Last day of school tomorrow :D

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